Salaam dunk your investments

Compare halal products across a range of asset classes

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Our top picks

We have handpicked some of the top halal investments on the market for each investment category. Sign up to Cur8 to view our in-house halal investment options.

Fixed Income


Alternative Assets

NameReturnAsset ClassMinimum InvestmentLiquidityRiskMore Info
Cur8 USD Income Fund9.5%Asset-backed /
Predominantly Real Estate
$5k3-6 months
(6 months if
>$500k investments)
ConservativeFind out more
Nester8%Real Estate£1k6 months to 5 yearsModerateFind out more
Cur8 GBP Income Fund6-11%Asset-backed /
Predominantly Real Estate
£5k3-6 months
(6 months if
>$500k investments)
ConservativeFind out more
Wahed Invest
(moderately conservative)
4.76%Sukuk£1001 to 10 yearsModerateFind out more
Al Rayan Fixed 24 months4.47%Savings account£5k24 MonthsVery ConservativeFind out more
NameReturnAsset ClassMinimum InvestmentLiquidityRiskMore Info
Logic Investments22%Fund£50k1 - 10 daysAggressiveFind out more
Aghaz Invest (aggressive)16.89%Fund£1k1 - 10 daysAggressiveFind out more
Wahed Invest (aggressive)9.16%Fund£1001 - 10 daysAggressiveFind out more
Amana Growth Fund14.9%Fund£11 - 10 daysModerateFind out more
HSBC Islamic Global Equity Index Fund IC11.83%Equity£11 - 10 daysModerateFind out more
NameReturnAsset ClassMinimum InvestmentLiquidityRiskMore Info
Cur8 EIS Fund20%+Venture Capital£5k7-10 yearsAggressiveFind out more
Cur8 Private Equity Pharmacy Strategy18%Private Equity£5k7-10 yearsModerateFind out more
Rasmala Real Estate Fund13%Real Estate£5k6 months to 5 yearsModerateFind out more
Funding Souq12%SME Financing£506 months to 5 yearsAggressiveFind out more
Minted9%Gold£11 - 10 daysConservativeFind out more

Saving for the future is important, but so is staying true to your values

Halal investing is investing in anything that is not made haram by Sharia law.

A lot of conventional products are not halal - including many mainstream ethical funds and many Muslims unknowingly or knowingly invest in haram products.

However there are a huge amount of halal options available on the market in asset classes such as equities, gold, art, start up investing and even property. IFG is here to help muslims and socially conscious investors to access them.

You can use our investment platform Cur8 Capital to find and invest in 100% halal funds and investment deals.

Join Cur8 Capital

Halal Investments

Haram Investments



Sukuk/Islamic Bonds

Exchange Trade Funds

Only those that hold underlying stock - not those that create the same effect from derivatives

Islamic Savings Account

Usually offered by Islamic banks or home purchase providers


Only those that hold underlying stock - not those that create the same effect from derivatives

Startup Investing

But not those engaged in haram sectors


But only when you use halal loans to fund it


In principle, crowdfunding is halal. Just make sure the asset is too!



Binary Options

But there can be some sharia-compliant alternatives (but not really in the USA)

Saving Accounts




According to majority. Some scholars view futures as permissable.

Why invest in halal products?

It's socially responsible and results in more even wealth distribution supporting the muslim community. You don't have to compromise on returns and It's hassle free

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Halal money formula

Learn how to start, grow and scale your halal investment portfolio. For Working Professionals, Enthusiasts, Savers and Students

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Guide & FAQs

Halal Investing Guide 101

  • ETFs are Exchange-traded funds (ETFs), one of the most popular ways to invest in the stock market. They have long been hailed as one of the best options for the average investor.

    Their permissibility depends on what the fund consists of. You can read a complete guide to ETF here.

  • Angel investing refers to individuals investing in a startup or business. Typically, Angel investors join an Angel syndicate/investor network like IFG.VC You can read it in full here.

  • In order for an investment to be halal, it must be compliant with the regulations and principles set out by Islam in the Quran and sunnah (known as ‘shariah law’).

    There is nothing inherently haram (impermissible) about earning money through profit distributions from business activity or from the increase in value of assets.Read about the halal investment criteria here

  • In short, VC finance providers fund startups and businesses. You can read about it in full here and check out IFG.VC to invest in ethical, high impact startups. 

    We also have a guide to ethical investing here.

  • We’ve explained this in full here.

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