The Lasting Power of Attorney
Alongside your Will, you can kickstart the process of getting yourself a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPOA) in a matter of days.

78% of adults in the United Kingdom do not have a registered Lasting Power of Attorney.
In a nutshell, a Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document which enables you to appoint people, like your friends and family, to make decisions for you when you lose mental capacity. You may lose mental capacity due to illness, an accident, or something which will ultimately affect all of us, old age.
The dangers of this for the Muslim community are stark. Without a Lasting Power of Attorney, your financial decisions, property, and health and care matters would be left in the hands of the courts and your local authority’s social care systems.
We want to fix this issue and put the power in the hands of your family.
There are two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney (1) Finance and Property and (2) Health and Care. At IFG, we can help you get both documents and subsequently add a further layer of protection to your wealth and wellbeing.
We help you:

Save your loved ones potentially £865 and a stressful court process
Without a Lasting Power of Attorney, your friends and family will need to pay court fees and go through a court process in order to gain control of your financial and health related decisions. Additionally, there is no guarantee your loved ones will succeed at court either, leaving you very vulnerable if you ever lose mental capacity.

Keep control in your hands
If you do not have a Lasting Power of Attorney, you risk your health, property, and finance decisions potentially being left at the hands of whoever the courts appoint, such as your local authority. However, you may want to reserve this power and authority in the hands of your children, your close family and friends, or whoever you trust. Having the Lasting Power of Attorney drafted and registered helps achieve this.

The Muslim Community
Ultimately, at IFG we want to level up the Muslim community in every way we can. That is one of the reasons which we introduced our competitive Wills service, which has enabled us over the last 3 years to save Muslim couples £47.2 million in inheritance tax.
Equipping our community with a Lasting Power of Attorney is the next phase in our efforts to protect and grow your wealth.

Want to learn more?
We pride ourselves on educating the Muslim community at large. To learn more about Lasting Powers of Attorney, click here to view a tutorial which we built in-house. Furthermore, our legal team are all thoroughly educated in the law, and will guide you every step of the way.
IFG Lasting Power of Attorney benefits
Start drafting my LPOAHow it works?
Either the Finance and Property Lasting Power of Attorney or the Health and Care Lasting Power of Attorney
This option is if you just want one of the above documents drafted.
Start your submission for one LPOABoth Lasting Powers of Attorney
This option is if you want us to draft both types of documents. You will receive a Finance and Property Lasting Power of Attorney, along with a Health and Care Lasting Power of Attorney.
Start your submission for both documentsLPOA Team

Ibrahim Khan
Alim & Lawyer

Mohsin Patel

Abdul Milad
Legal Associate
Guide & FAQs
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows you (the ‘donor’) to give one or more persons (the ‘attorney(s)’) the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf if you lose the mental capacity to do so in the future, or if you no longer want to make decisions for yourself.
This is key, as it gives you more control over what happens to you if you have an accident or an illness and cannot make your own decisions i.e., when you no longer have ‘mental capacity’.
Additionally, 1 in 11 people over the age of 65 have dementia in the United Kingdom, something which may be very relevant to your parents and grandparents now or in the future. The LPA document caters to these needs as well, and enables you, your parents or grandparents to have more control over what happens to your finances, property, and health and care decisions whilst you progressively age.
To learn more about this document and the importance of it, please refer to our Lasting Power of Attorney Guide and FAQ.
An LPA isn’t something just for older people in poor health to consider.
Unfortunately, any of us can have an accident or illness at any age that can leave us temporarily or permanently debilitated.
Anyone can make an LPA in case they ever lose mental capacity, particularly as one progressively ages and may be at risk of things like dementia, of which 1 in 11 people over 65 in the United Kingdom are affected with.
You should also make an LPA if you have been diagnosed with, or think you might develop, an illness which might prevent you from making decisions for yourself at some time in the future.
The kinds of illness which might prevent you from making decisions for yourself include (but not limited to): dementia, mental health problems, brain injury, alcohol or drug misuse, and the side effects of medical treatment.
Mental capacity means the ability to make or communicate specific decisions at the time they need to be made.
To have mental capacity you must understand the decision you need to make, why you need to make it, and the likely outcome of your decision.
It costs £82 to register each LPA unless you get a reduction or exemption.
This means it can cost up to £164 to register both a property and financial affairs LPA and a health and care decisions LPA.
You can apply for a reduction if you earn less than £12,000. You might also be able to apply for an exemption if you’re on certain benefits, such as Income Support.
For further information about eligibility and the application form please click here. We can also guide you through this process.